
Having plenty of water during the festive season

We all know the benefits of drinking plenty of water, especially at work. Sometimes it is a challenge to keep up with your daily quota, but with the right water drinking system at the office, like Eliqua, it certainly makes the task easier.

With the festive season well upon us, drinking water is just as important if not more, especially if you are indulging in a festive drink or two.  Drinking alcohol dehydrates you, so to prevent the holiday hangover, make sure you are keeping up with your water intake.  With every alcoholic beverage you have, try equalling that with a glass of water.  Your body will thank you for it!

The festive season also brings about a bounty of culinary delights -with an abundance of sweet and savoury dishes to indulge in.  Keeping up with your water intake will help with your metabolism so you can enjoy the Christmas office buffet nearly guilt-free!  

Stay refreshed and hydrated will give you the stamina for the marathon Christmas office parties and celebratory photographs you will be involved in.  Feeling revitalised and fresh faced will allow you to tackle the festive season head on and you will hopefully come out the other side still feeling energetic and jolly!

From the entire Eliqua team, may your festive season be filled with joy and laughter and hoping 2022 will be a successful and happy one for you all.